Air Fryer Conversion Calculator

Enter the Oven Temprature in Farenheit
Enter the Time in Minutes

Oven to Air Fryer Conversion?

Air frying is the best way to cook food, especially oven-baked goods. You always get crispy and crunchy food without adding more oil much more quickly than in a conventional oven. You can easily convert packet instructions and recipes from oven to air fryer. However, it is important to keep the time and temperature adjusted -

  • Reduce the temperature to around 35 degrees Fahrenheit or 20-degree Celsius.
  • Reduce the cooking time by 20 per cent.

Note - All air fryers are different, and the temperature and time will depend on the model and make of the product, along with the size of the ingredients and other factors included. Any recipes can be cooked using an air fryer. All you need to do is keep your air fryer conversion calculator handy.

What are the Benefits of an Air Fryer Conversion Calculator?

The benefits of an air fryer calculator are as follows -

  • This promotes easy cooking, allowing air to circulate the food after heating it.
  • In a short span, your food would be crispier and crunchier.
  • Food is cooked pretty easily and in a faster way.
How to Calculate the Air Fryer Conversion?

You can also use the air fryer conversion calculator to convert the traditional oven recipes for the air fryer using Fahrenheit (F). The best way to calculate the air fryer conversion is as follows -

  • Enter the oven temperature in Fahrenheit (F).
  • Enter the time in minute
  • Your result will be visible below.


What are the pros of an air fryer?

The advantages of the air fryer are -

  1. Easy to use
  2. Easy to clean
  3. Safe to use
  4. Convenient to maintain
What is the conversion for an air fryer?

To convert the conventional oven into an air fryer, follow the steps below -

  1. Reduce the temperature by 25 degrees F
  2. Reduce the cooking time by 20 per cent.
Is 200 Celsius enough for an air fryer?

The temperature on the fryer is Celsius. Hence, 200 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. So, 200 Celsius is enough to heat the air fryer.

What are 300 degrees on an air fryer?

Keeping the temperature to 300 degrees Fahrenheit makes the food crispy and browny. Hence, it can cook better and faster than a conventional oven.